Friday, July 5, 2013

Nature Recycles - How About You?

It's Summertime! And that means it's time to grab some good books and head to the beach or the park - or even a shady spot in your back yard - and enjoy the bird songs, cricket symphonies and frog chorus. Sally's Bookshelf is looking forward to some summer reading too, so for the next 6 weeks you'll find reviews on Fridays!
Nature Recycles
How About You?
by Michelle Lord; illus. by Cathy Morrison
32 pages, ages 4-8
Sylvan Dell, 2013

Hermit crabs can't grow their own shells. So they use cast-off sea shells that they find in the sand. Caddisfly larvae build their cases out of tiny pebbles, bits of stick and other debris they find in the water. Dung beetles collect balls or rhino poop, and some sea urchins decorate themselves with colorful bits of algae, coral - even old oyster shells.

These animals recycle used material into their homes or decorations. They even recycle unused food. In the natural world, nothing goes to waste - there's always a plant or animal or bacteria that can convert one creature's trash to treasure. Or at least to usefulness.

This book looks at recycling from sea urchins to bandicoots... and explores how animals in different habitats recycle materials for building homes to getting food. It will certainly generate discussion and may even inspire young children to recycle things in their own environment.

Four pages of back matter elaborate on why the different species mentioned in the book recycle materials. A map shows where in the world the animals live, and there's even a recycling quiz.

This post is part of STEM Friday round-up. And Nonfiction Monday - where this week you can find lots of books over at Abby the Librarian.
Review copy provided by publisher.


  1. What an useful way to introduce the ideas of reuse and recycle, plus learn more about nature.

  2. Now this sounds like a great book! I'm all for recycling!

  3. Recycling in nature - how cool. I knew that hermit crabs used other shells, but I never thought about it as recycling.
