Monday, February 10, 2014

No Dogs Allowed!

No Dogs Allowed!
by Linda Ashman; illus by Kristin Sorra
32 pages; ages 3-8
Sterling Children's Books, 2011

This is a book of few words - with many of those words scribbled in chalk on a sign board. Alberto's City Lights Restaurant is open for the Early Bird Special! But when he sees a boy and his dog approach, he whips out his chalk and writes "No Dogs Allowed" on the slate board. When a girl and her cat approach, Alberto adds "or cats" to his sign.

Alberto updates his sign as people walk by with their pets... and at one point the sign reads "No one with fur, feathers, shells or scales allowed" - and we have pages to go before the end. But when a problem arises, Alberto steps up to help and everyone - even the penguins (yes, there are penguins) is happy.

It's a fun book to ... read, look at, and explore the rich illustrations, and talk about what's happening. And it's a great example of how much you can say in few words.

Review copy provided by library.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I've missed this one! It sounds great!
