Monday, March 31, 2014

WEASELS ~ they're plotting to take over the World!

by Elys Dolan
32 pages; ages 5-8
Candlewick Press, 2014
 Review copy provided by publisher.

Weasels spend most of their time chasing bunnies, eating berries and .... wait! What's this? They really drink coffee and spend their days plotting to take over the world?

Apparently so and, according to Elys Dolan, Today Is The Day. The weasels are at their world-taking-over machine ready for the countdown.

5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - oops! Suddenly everything goes dark. The machine is broken - and the remainder of the book is given over to the process of determining what went wrong and how to fix it. We see weasel engineers and weasel computer programmers and maintenance weasels and a weasel from the division of health and safety who enforces the regulations. Then there's the LABORATORY  where weasels work at counters covered with flasks and papers filled with complex mathematical equations.

But back at the machine, things are still in chaos! At least until someone finds the problem - with a solution so elegant it will make you think twice before calling tech support the next time you have a glitch in your computer.

This is such a fun book - with illustrations that beg for the same sort of attention you'd give Waldo or I Spy. Lest you think all weasels wear neckties, here's a video showing some more natural weasel behavior: a stoat (weasel) hunting.


1 comment:

  1. These books with very detailed illustrations seem to be quite the thing these days. This one looks pretty funny. I don't know anything about weasels. But when the Mom Person had little people living in her house, their favorite book was Never Tease a Weasel. It's a silly, funny book. I'll be looking for this weasel book!
